Answer Questions

Answeree Review – Legit or Scam

Answeree is a question and answer site for anyone who wants to join. The site doesn’t restrict users to a certain area. Here on the site, you’ll earn money for asking a question or answering a question that has been asked by another member. The site is fun and each question receives a rating. You’ll earn points for your rating from other members on the site. Your questions can be voted up or down according to how they are asked and how the other members of the site respond to your question. The answers you provide to each question will also be rated by the members on the site. The points you earn in your account will be displayed on the site so other members can determine what type of a contributor you are.

How Does the Site Work?

  1. All you need to do is create an account on the site.
  2. The site will ask you to take a test. This test will show them if you have the qualification to write and answer questions correctly for the site.
  3. The site is looking for people who can write and answer questions precisely and concisely without grammar errors. This is the only way you can participate in the rewards program.
  4. To qualify for the Answeree reward program, you’ll need to post 5 questions on any interesting topics of your choice. Afterward, you’ll need to write 5 answers to questions posted on the site. Once you’ve completed this, the site will review your questions and answers to determine if you can be part of the rewards program.
  5. Once you’ve completed this process, you’ll need to send the administrator a private message asking them to add you to the rewards program.
  6. Once registered on the site you can start asking questions. However, you must search the site to make sure your question hasn’t been previously asked.
  7. Each question you ask must be relevant to the community and the site. You can’t ask just any old question on the site.
  8. When asking a question, you’ll need to create your tags. This is very important for people searching on the site.
  9. Don’t ask a question that is too subjective or even argumentative. This should be avoided on the site.
  10. The site is a question and answer site so it is necessary to avoid having a debate when answering a question on the site.
  11. If you’d like to thank a person for the answer they’ve left, you’ll need to use the comment key and not the answer key.
  12. The community on the site moderates the site. The points system that is set up on the site allows all users to moderate the questions and answers from each member.
  13. The points system is a type of measurement the site uses to identify the trust level of each member and what members think of each other.
  14. The site will use these points to assign different moderation tasks to different people.
  15. Interesting question and great answers are what attract people to vote your question or answer up.
  16. However, a poorly written question or answer will be voted down and the community can use the voting system to add or subtract points from you.
  17. A vote up by the members earns you one point. However, a vote down will subtract a point from your overall score.

Rules for Writing and Answering Questions:

  1. Your questions and answers need to be free of grammatical and punctuation errors.
  2. There can’t be duplicate content on the site. Before asking your question, check the site to make sure it hasn’t already been asked.
  3. Copy and paste any content on the site is prohibited.
  4. In the rewards program, there are no links allowed in your questions and answers.
  5. All racial, ethnic, religious, sexual, social and hateful information is prohibited on the site.
  6. You’re not allowed to advertise on the site. Therefore, it is prohibited to add any form of advertising to a question or answer on this site.
  7. All answers on the site should be complete answers.
  8. Each answer needs to be 200 characters long or 35 words.
  9. Awards are given to the first four answers. If one of your answers has moved up to the top 4 positions, you’ll be rewarded for your answer.
  10. Any answer you give on the site must be relevant to the question asked.
  11. If any of these rules are violated the site can penalize your account 10% to 90% of the payment amount.

How To Earn Rewards:

Answeree has increased their payments and how much you’ll earn for posting answers on the website. Updated 06/24/2018

  1. Questions will receive $0.1 for every 1000 views. The site has increased the payment you’ll receive for each answer. Now the site is paying you $0.10 per answer.
  2. In addition to the increase in how much you’ll earn for each answer you post, the site has added a new payment. You’ll now receive $0.04 for each thank you a member gives you on your answers.
  3. Additional 1000 views on your question, you’ll earn $0.1 – No longer valid.
  4. For answers in the top 4 positions, you’ll earn $0.02. – No longer valid.
  5. It takes 50 answers on the site to earn $1. – No longer valid.
  6. You will now earn 10 points for each new answer you post on the site. Each point is equal to $0.10.
  7. Each up-vote you receive on your answer will earn you 4 points.
  8. You can now earn up to 1000 points on the site for the up-votes you’ve received on your answers.
  9. The site calculates your views on the questions when you claim your rewards. After your rewards are claimed, you can’t be paid again for this question. – No longer valid.

How Does the Site Pay You?

New Payment requirements on Answeree updated 06/24/2018

  1. You’ll need to have at least $10 in your account to request payment from the company. The site has increased the amount necessary to cash out. You’ll now need $30 in your account before you can request a payment.
  2. The site manually pays each person. Therefore, you must send your PayPal email address to the site in a private message requesting your payment.
  3. The payment process takes several days. The site must manually check each question and answer to verify your payment claim.
  4. Payment claims take 3 or more days to process.


This is a legitimate question and answer site where the members on the site post questions and other members will answer their questions. Each question is either voted up or down depending on the quality and importance of the question. If one of your questions earns a certain number of views, you’ll earn money for this question. Each time you answer a question on the site, the site members will vote up or down your answer. If your answer is in the top 4 answers supplied on the site, you’ll earn money for your response. The site is saying it will take 50 answers to equal $1. Therefore, in order to cash out on the site and earn $10, you’ll need to answer 500 questions on the site. This seems like a lot of work for such little pay. However, this is a fun community of people to be around and some of the questions asked on the site are rather interesting.

Updated June 24. 2018 – 

The site has changed the payment for each answer you give. They are now paying $0.10 for answers and $0.04 for each thank you that is received on one of your answers. Furthermore, the site increased the minimum necessary to cash out. You’ll now need $30 in your account before you can request a payment from the company.

Here is payment proof that the site will pay you for answering questions.


Update August 18, 2018

There are now more ways to earn money on Answeree:

  1. Each answer you give on a question will earn $0.10. The answers must be 600 characters or longer to earn money for the answer.
  2. Each comment you add to an answer on the site will earn you $0.01. The comments must be 120 characters long. If you can’t add an answer that is 600 characters or loner, you’ll need to add a comment on the site.
  3. Each time you ask a question on the site, you’ll earn $0.01.

Other Changes to the Payment:

  1. If you like an answer on the site now, your account will be charged 1 point or $0.01. You are now paying for each like you give to a person on the site.
  2. The site is no longer paying $0.04 for each like that is given to a person on the site.

Other Site Changes:

  1. Anyone who now joins the site must acquire 120 points in your account.
  2. Once you’ve reached the 120 points in your account, you’ll need to send the site a request to the administrator and ask if you can join the earning program.
  3. The website now reviews all your answers and comments to determine if you are a good fit for the earning program.
  4. If you’re approved for the earning program, the points that you’ve earned from the site will be credited to your earnings on the site.
  5. The new rule only applies to anyone who has just joined the site and not members who have been active on the site.



11 thoughts on “Answeree Review – Legit or Scam”

  1. I was working on this site before they changed the rules and the site was flooded with people who seemed to just come here to earn a ton of money. Now they have put a limit to the number of questions you can ask each day. At tops you can earn $0.50 to $0.70 each day. It isn’t worth the time and effort now to go there. I cashed out several times and still have a balance in my account. The amount of money in my account and the amount needed to cash out will take me way over 4 weeks to achieve this. I just left the site now and was hoping the new rules this month would chance things but it seems it hasn’t changed at all.


    1. It is less than this. This was the older update when the site required that. They do not pay in points, but in a dollar amount in your account so there is no way to earn 3000 points on this site.


    1. Last year the site announced in December the earning portion would close on the 17th. They would open it again in January 2019 with new rules for earning. So far it isn’t clear how the new earning program is working and they haven’t updated their site to reflect the new program. They still say on the site that you need a certain number of points in order to apply for the earning program. The pay rate is still the same and a person earns 10 cents for each comment that is 600 + characters long, 1 cent for posting a new question, 1 cent for posting a comment under 600 characters, and 1 cent for a person to like your comment. You can make 5 comments a day to earn 50 cents and you can make an unlimited number of comments under 600 characters. There is no limit to how many you add. That was the last update the site did and their new earning program hasn’t yet been announced.


  2. Pingback: Freelance Riches? Our Spy Report On 10 Writing Websites | - WorkFromHomeChannel.TV
    1. I have read your review about Answeree and it is wrong. They are not giving you $0.10 for 1000 views of your answer. This was to old model for the site. Now you are paid $0.10 for your answer, you can answer 5 questions each day to earn $0.50. You will earn $0.01 for each question you ask, each like you receives, and each comment you make that is less than 600 characters long. it is a good idea to get the facts straight if you want to write about a company. It is easy to find the prices they pay in their Rewards section.


  3. Answeree administrators continue to juggle the fees. New updates take effect January 2019. I found it is difficult to calculate earnings. Wages are minimal for the work required. Many of the questions are ridiculous. Several emails to them are unanswered. If you are looking to make ten cents an hour this is the site for you. I wish the owners of the site well and caution those who use it. You many never see your money.


  4. Thank you for sharing this question answer website. I was in search for such a website where we can earn real money while posting answers to questions as a hobby.

    But now Answeree is giving better remuneration than this post says. I think this is the best site of this kind. Both interface and earnings are good.

    I think this post should be edited with new changes on Answeree.


  5. This is quite interesting. I joined a similar site some time ago, but I don’t think the site was able to stay long. It may take some time to reach the payout, but meanwhile if we can also learn something useful at the same time, it might be good too.

    Thank you for sharing this. I will check it out and see if it works well for me.


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