
Music is online these days and it’s so easy to find, listen to, and download some of your favorite songs. Therefore, many companies are now working with new and upcoming artists to help them break into the music industry. These companies offer artists a chance to be head and reviewed by the public and producers. They can upload the music to these sites and pay the company to send them a review.

Music X-ray Review – Legit or Scam

musicxrayMusic X-ray is a company who offers artists a chance to be heard. They can upload their songs to the site, the company reviews the songs, and send them an analysis of what they thought. Furthermore, if you’re looking to earn a passive income you can join the site and review the music that artists have uploaded………..Read More.………

Radio Loyalty Review – Legit or Scam

radioloyaltyRadio Loyalty is an Internet and mobile radio station that rewards people for using their “UniversalPlayer” to listen to music. As you listen to the music online you’ll earn points for listening and reviewing to the music. Furthermore, you can also earn points for listening and watching videos through the platform. The site offers many other paid points opportunities that can help to increase your points each day. The points you earn on the platform will go towards redeeming merchandise or gift cards. The program is available worldwide, There are a few countries that won’t allow you to participate in these types of programs………..Read More………..

Music Emissions Review – Legit or Scam

radioemissionsMusic Emission is a website that allows artists to get their song or albums reviewed or for people to get paid or reviewing different songs. As a reviewer, you’ll write different music reviews about a song or even an album.  You will post the reviews on the site and be paid for your review. This is an India based company that helps new artists get noticed and their songs reviews by anyone who wants to write a review. This is a great opportunity for new artists or even people who love to write reviews about music………..Read More.………

HitPredictor Review 2019: Legit or Scam

hitpredictorHitPredictor is a website that allows you to listen to brand new music and rate the music you listen to. The songs haven’t yet been released and this helps radio stations and songwriters know what you think about their music. On the site, there is a large variety of new music you can listen to each day. If you love music, want to hear a new song before it is released, then this is a great way to find some fantastic new Country songs, R&B, and so many more. Your vote and review will help influence what the radio stations and artists think about the songs that are being published. Just think, your vote will help the songwriters, record companies and radio stations determine what is released to the public. Not all new music will be to your liking, but you can find some great songs to listen to on this site. When you listen to the music and cast your vote, you’ll win different gift cards from the site. It appears that the site is only paying people who live in the United States and this site isn’t opened worldwide………..Read More……….

Research FM Review 2019: Legit or Scam

Research FMResearch FM is a market research company that does different types of market research and analysis for radio stations. The company invites people to join their market research team and complete different music surveys to help radio stations. The company is listed with the Better Business Bureau and has an A+ rating. This company opened in 2008 by I Heat Media and has a second company called Critical Mass Media Inc. The president of the company is Mrs. Robin Mady. The company works with people who live in the United States and you are personally invited to join the company. The company invites people to join the panel by calling your home phone or cell phone number and asking if you’d be interested in taking a radio survey. At this time if you supply the company with your email address they will send you a personal invitation by email to join the music panel. Occasionally the company offers an opt-in promotion where you can join the music panel to complete different music surveys………..Read More……….

Welocalize Review 2019: Legit or Scam

WelocalizeWelocalize is an online company that pays you to listen to music and transcribe the lyrics. This is an international company and anyone can join. If you are fluent in writing more than one language this is an excellent opportunity for you. The company is based in the United States and they provide a translation and localization service worldwide. You will earn money by listening to music and transcribing the lyrics. If this sounds like a fun job, it is, however, it will take time to transcribe the lyrics and you’ll need to have a Gmail and an Apple account in order to join the company………..Read More………..