Affiliate Programs

Rakuten Marketing Affiliate Program Review – Legit or Scam

Rukuten Marketing was founded in 1997 under the name of LinkShare. The company is one of the oldest affiliate marketing companies around. Therefore, with all the experience they have in this business they are constantly changing, expanding, and looking for new ideas. The company has over 1000 merchants in their network to choose from. Furthermore, this is an international company and has 10 global offices that cover 8 different networks. This helps the company work together and gives you the feeling of an international company.

What Does The Company Have to Offer?

  1. The company functions in over 200 countries. This means if you live in one of these countries you can easily be paid in one of the 25 different currencies.
  2. The company offers you tech integrated ads to display on your website or blog. This gives you the options to customize the tech ads yourself or just keep it simple and place the ads on your site.
  3. The ads are easy to create on the site. You must be approved by the advertiser before using this feature. After creating your ad unit, you’ll receive a code to use for displaying the ad on your site.
  4. The company has facilitated the rotating banners to make it easy to add them on your site. You can easily test the ads units on the site to find out which one works best for you.
  5. The company has made it easy to use the deep linking features. With this feature, you can now direct the user where you want them to go.
  6. The reporting system is so easy to manage. Even a person who’s technologically challenged can use this system.
  7. Your dashboard will display the top advertiser and what you’ll earn from them.
  8. The control panel is easy to access your setting, link codes, and create custom reports.
  9. The company has many tools available to help you improve your skills as an affiliate marketer. You’ll have access to newsletters, video training, and also personal training.

What People Don’t Like About the Company:

  1. The company doesn’t have a standard payday. You’re paid after an advertiser pays the company. This can take up to 60 days to receive your commission from the company.
  2. The company doesn’t use PayPal. Therefore, you need to have your money directly deposited to your bank account.
  3. If you are a new website and just starting out in affiliate marketing, there is no need to sign up with this company. The company looks at your website traffic and the quality of your traffic. However, they will accept you as an affiliate marketer if you do have high, quality traffic on your site.


If you’re looking to start with affiliate marketing for your website or blog, this is an excellent company to work with. The company has been in business for years and has been voted the number one affiliate marketing company 6 years in a roll. The company was founded in 1997 under the name of Linkshare. Later on, the company changed their name to Rakuten. The company doesn’t use PayPal as one of their means of payment. Everyone who earns an affiliate commission with this company is paid directly to their bank account. The company can pay you in 25 different currencies worldwide. However, it might take a few weeks or up to 2 months to receive the money in your account.